sometimes i just don't get it...
how can it be that i think about someone
and have feelings about someone else?
"sweaty it is the way it is..."
but i trully love him
it's just he is here
and i like him too
"sweaty it is the way it is..."
is it love?
is it pain?
is it just me?
"sweaty it is just what it is..."
and you... what are you doing in my life?
why are you being so importante..
why do i need you?
"sweaty, he is what he is..."
if this take the course i wish is will
it'll be ok
but i'm not seeing it...
"sweaty, future will show what it will be..."
i don't think you feel the same
i guess i'm the only one
looking for this
"sweaty, close your eyes and find some peace..."